plc software

  • Software As A Service - SaaS

    A cloud-computing approach to providing users with computer applications. Instead of each user having to install the software on his computer, the user is able···

    2022-01-05 14:09:18
  • Trading Software

    Computer programs that facilitate trading of financial products such as stocks and currencies. Software is usually provided by brokerage firms that enable thei···

    2022-01-05 15:13:46
  • Business Software & Services Industry ETF

    An exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in business software companies, with the objective of replicating the performance of an underlying software index. A···

    2022-01-05 16:37:52
  • Tufin Software的股票上涨了43%

    截至周三东部时间下午 12:03 ,Tufin Software Technologies ( TUFN 43.08% )的股价上涨了 43%。有消息称,Turn/River Capital 将以每股 13 美元的全现金交易方式收购这家以色···

    2022-09-02 08:09:39